About Us
Lily of New York Salon in Boca Raton is recognized as one of the best hair coloring salons in the area, featuring best keratins, best Magic Sleek, best hair treatments, and amazing haircuts and contemporary styles.

Lily Marin, co-founder, worked her way up to become a master hair colorist and stylist in top salons on Madison Avenue and Upper East Side in Manhattan, Lily opened the first salon of her own in the City “Hair Approach”, where she proved to be one of the best. Later, she went on to open two more salons, “Today’s Hair”, and “Lily’s Hair Studio” specializing in corrective hair coloring. Lily became a very well known Master Hair Colorist on the Upper East Side dealing with high profile clients and celebrities. Throughout her entire career, Lily Marin has enjoyed great reviews and five stars ratings. Now Lily is bringing to Boca all her expertise and successful accomplishments in the form of unrivaled hair services only available at Lily of New York Salon in Boca.
Contact US
Call Us to Make an Appointment
101 Plaza Real S Suite C, Boca Raton, FL 33432